Big Changes Coming for Twitter

In an attempt to gain new users and engage existing users, Twitter will be launching many new features over the next couple months. Slow user growth has been a major concern in recent months, and Twitter shares fell as much as 12% in Q3. This site overhaul definitely looks to address new user growth first … Read more

Beware of these “Buzzwords” in 2015: Multiple Websites

One business having multiple websites is not a good thing. We have been seeing more and more of this type of activity, especially when it comes to hiring companies to run Adwords or PPC campaigns. The keys to any successful Adwords campaign are not only optimized, well-researched keyword and ad development, but also well optimized … Read more

Why Data can (and should) drive your Content Marketing Strategy

Data Driven Marketing - why data can and should drive your content marketing strategy

Are you using analytics to develop your content marketing strategy? You should be! With so much data available online, it’s easier than ever to craft effective, targeted messages using real results. AMG can help you build better content with analytics! Here’s why and how.

How to Respond to Negative Online Reviews

Your customers have access to many different review sites such as, and even your Google + and social media pages to leave a testimonial about the service they received at your business. According to this survey by, 70% of consumers say online reviews are among the most trusted source for information, and … Read more

Marketing Your Business Without Spending A Lot

Emily Adams, our content marketing specialist, recently wrote an article about free or low-cost ways to market your small business. This article includes advice on how to build your brand, grow with social media and develop a good website. From the article on “Marketing your business online is now more accessible than ever before. … Read more

Anatomy of a Great Facebook Post

There may not be a formula to great Facebook content, but there are certainly things you can do to make your posts more successful. Take a look at the example below: The image will be the first thing that people notice. Posts with images perform better than posts without or posts with link thumbnails. Make … Read more

The Importance of Online Presence

The importance of integrated Online Presence, combining social media, email, website, blog, and content marketing

Powerful online presence is more important than ever. It’s not good enough to just have online marketing, every aspect needs to be integrated. AMG offers comprehensive WebPresence services of web design, SEO, social media and content marketing. Learn how and why to tie each of these services together.

Pinterest Launches New Analytics Tool

Pinterest, the bookmarking social network, announced Tuesday that a new robust analytics tool is now available to businesses. Within the new analytics dashboard you can now see number of users who engage with your pins, pins that generate the most impressions, user demographics, off-network data for social plugins and more. This is a major upgrade … Read more