Why SEO Is More Than A Few Keywords

How often do you search for something on the Internet? My guess is that you did it more than once today. In fact, I bet you used a search of some sort to find this article. There’s a reason Google, Bing and Yahoo have so much power on the internet today. People are curious. The … Read more

Operating the Google Machine

Google will run every aspect of our lives one day! I am only half joking- but I’m actually afraid this might happen. Yet I, like all of us, continue to faithfully use its resources – I’m really just another one of the “sheep in the flock.” Mainly, I’ve discovered, it is Google’s knack for producing … Read more

Marketing Tip: Are you damaging your online reputation?

Google is using social media more and more in their search results? Check out the following image: With social media becoming a major player in today’s search engine ranking results, it has never been more critical than now to have your accounts PROFESSIONALLY managed.  One poorly chosen response or statement, and your company’s reputation in … Read more

Birds of a Feather: Targeted Marketing vs. Phone Book Ads

I recently had a newer client come to me asking us to redesign his local phone book ad.  I’ve been saying for years that the phone book is dead…and it’s not hard to see why.  Here in Denver, we’re buried under an avalanche of different yellow pages, and there’s simply no way to be in … Read more