Blog Benefits for Small Businesses


Small business owners ask this all the time – “do I really need a blog? That just sounds like a lot of extra work. I doubt our customers will even read a blog if I wrote one. So why should I start a blog for my business?” There are many benefits of adding a business … Read more

The Importance of Visual Branding


As a full-service marketing agency, AMG develops brands and images for clients from all walks of life from several different industries. From building beautiful websites, creating social media campaigns, running email marketing programs, to branding campaigns for businesses of all types and sizes – image is inherent in every aspect of marketing. One major thing … Read more

Personalize your Marketing!

personalize marketing

No matter what they tell you, it’s not about your business. It’s not about your company name. It’s not about the products you sell. It’s not about having a catchy slogan. It’s about YOU! People don’t do business with a company – people like doing business with OTHER PEOPLE. As such, your business should be … Read more

Convert Clicks Into Customers!


S.E.O. We’ve all heard of it, but what does it actually mean for your business? Search Engine Optimization involves using specific techniques to help search engines recognize that your website reflects what the user is searching for and ensure that your website gets found online. Search engines look for websites that feature quality content and … Read more


spring marketing

The changing of seasons is something everyone in your market experiences, making it a prime time of year to roll out some creative advertising endeavors. Social media contests, EBLASTS for various seasonal holidays, “warmer weather”-themed spring marketing campaigns and so on – all of these are good ways to engage your customer base between winter … Read more

The Keys to Sustaining Customer Loyalty

customer loyalty

In case you haven’t heard, Allstate Insurance is currently being sued for charging new customers less than their existing customers… Unfortunately, Allstate isn’t alone in their mistreatment of their most valuable customers. Lots of big companies – cable companies for example – are notorious for offering low introductory offers to get customers and outright ignoring … Read more

Show Your Customers Some Love This Month!

themed marketing

The most romantic day of the year takes place this month, with millions of couples from coast to coast celebrating having been struck by Cupid’s arrow in a wide variety of ways. In addition to giving couples an excuse to celebrate their relationships, holidays such as Valentine’s Day give businesses of all shape and size … Read more


marketing trends

Every industry sees changes from year-to-year and marketing is no different. As we enter the final year of the 2010s, here are some marketing trends to keep an eye on: A.I. Rising Technology continues to be at the forefront of the marketing world and artificial intelligence – also known as “A.I.” – is an increasingly … Read more