Did you know… Websites Expire?

Did you know that websites expire? Just like the food in your fridge, your website can go bad, spoil, and make your business sick. But unlike food, you can’t always tell when your website is spoiling. Maybe it’s moldy landing pages that are underperforming. Or maybe it’s stale content that has lost the right flavor … Read more

Marketing Mishaps: Why you need to know your Customers

Remember the Burger King mascot? The creepy version of Burger King’s “King” – a man dressed in robes with a smiling face, beard, and regal crown – did more harm to the fast food burger joint than good, due to a marketing mistake in identifying the real BK customers.

Casting Hope for Autism: Kiddie Pole Classic

Automated Marketing Group is a proud sponsor of the second annual Kiddie Pole Classic! Participants big and small will join the fishing competition on September 27 to raise money, and hope, for kids with autism. So go fishing – we’ll take care of your marketing.