Understanding Keyword Density

When a writer takes on the task of developing SEO content for a web page, he or she can commit an SEO copywriting faux pas and run into problems. Keyword density, although an integral part of an effective SEO strategy, can lead to more damage than benefit if it becomes an obsession. A copywriter who … Read more

Google Analytics: Make Your Website Count (without a counter)

Remember the days when websites used numeric counters on their pages to see how many people had been to their site? These counters quietly disappeared from the web and with good reason. Theyā€™re not very accurate, canā€™t track any demographic information and are usually not very well integrated into the layout of the site. Now … Read more

SEO Advice-Why Does Google Change Their Algorithm?

For those of us in the world of SEO, this seems to happen way too often. Just as we get used to the adjustments that search engines make to improve user experience, they flip the switch on something new. Granted, we all understand that the importance of a great user experience- itā€™s one of the … Read more

Keyword Research is the Key

We all have heard of that company that offers the quick fixā€”that big return that is so unbelievable it canā€™t be true. For example: ā€œIā€™ll send you a million dollars from my account in Nigeria from your long-lost cousin if you write me a check for 10% today!ā€ Itā€™s easy to get pulled into the … Read more

Why SEO Is More Than A Few Keywords

How often do you search for something on the Internet? My guess is that you did it more than once today. In fact, I bet you used a search of some sort to find this article. Thereā€™s a reason Google, Bing and Yahoo have so much power on the internet today. People are curious. The … Read more

Responsive Design: Does My Small Business Website Need It?

The tech and social media website Mashable has declared that 2013 is the “YEAR OF RESPONSIVE DESIGN.” But what IS responsive design? And is it either practical or necessary when looking at features for a small business website? Without spoiling too much of the rest of the article, the answer to that second question is … Read more