Social Marketing Tip: Why Your Small Business Needs Facebook

We get pretty excited about Facebook at AMG! We look forward to new updates with delight, read endless articles on all things Facebook, and relish in keeping each one of our clients’ Facebook pages up to date and growing.    Why are we so excited about Facebook in particular? Facebook is FREE Marketing That’s right. It … Read more

Birds of a Feather: Targeted Marketing vs. Phone Book Ads

I recently had a newer client come to me asking us to redesign his local phone book ad.  I’ve been saying for years that the phone book is dead…and it’s not hard to see why.  Here in Denver, we’re buried under an avalanche of different yellow pages, and there’s simply no way to be in … Read more

Do you have TOMA?

Does your business have Top Of Mind Awareness? It’s what makes your customer think of YOUR business first, before any of your competitors! A customer newsletter is an INDISPENSABLE part of any marketing budget because when it’s done well, it can mean TOMA.  But it has to be done well — people have to want … Read more