Why You Should Be Blogging Too

When you eat your favorite fruit or vegetable, it’s a delightful and satisfying treat. Eating fruit and veggies is an all-around good activity because:

  • It quells your hunger
  • There are numerous health benefits
  • You like the taste!

The AMG team enjoys writing blogs for similar reasons. Blogging is a beneficial tool for creating a healthy relationship with your customers. But they are also fun to write, taking on a less formal tone than is required for other documents associated with your business. Only good can come from a well-maintained blog on your website. guest-blogging-resized-600

In our increasingly online world, a blog is an effective way to reach out to your online community through a channel that your customers are using on a daily basis. While many online interactions between people can seem sterile and distant, blogging is one type of online communication which allows your customers to create a lively and personal relationship with you as a business owner, even in an online environment.

Good blogs are relevant to their readers’ everyday lives, and they’re also fun to read! The real-time updates convey to readers that you are a real person, living in the same community where they do. Keeping your blog entertaining and light-hearted gives your readers the feeling that you’re the type of person that understands what they need– that you’re someone they’d want to do business with.

Blogs can also be an effective marketing tool. Specific blog topics about your services and products can promote your products to your community in a personable way which potential customers will be able to clearly distinguish from “just another sales pitch.”

Having a blog can boost your search engine optimizationas well. This is because Google favors sites with recently updated, relevant content over sites which do not have such content, showing up higher on search engine results pages almost always correlates with increased website traffic – more potential customers checking out what you’ve got to offer!

The art of blogging takes practice, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll start seeing the significant benefits. AMG can help you with your blogging- we have an expert staff that can capture your voice and help your website climb the rankings. Contact AMG Today to learn more!